For me, mass rallies mainly make those taking part feel a whole lot better. There is comfort in parading with like-minded people; there is a definite lift in seeing and hearing mass support for what you yourself hold dear. But exactly what good in shaping public opinion and influencing government legislation do mass rallies do? When I lived in London I found mass rallies extremely tiresome, even when I felt they were well-intentioned. The battle for the continuation of country sports is NOT going to be won on the streets of London bu Rudeness to MPs and especially Ministers of State at public functions by country sports devotees has achieved nothing but public distaste and a distinct feeling that there's a time and place for everything except rudeness. How can you win the hearts and minds of town-dwelling citizens if they see and hear vulgar tasteless behaviour towards public figures. It's simply not clever! Few campaigns are won by those who shout the rudest or behave in the most loutish manner. This is a topic for cool heads not hot heads. As Francis Bacon remarked four hundred years ago: "No term of moderation takes place with the vulgar". Let's raise the level of discuss Our quaintly structured parliamentary system has delayed the passage of legislation to outlaw the use of dogs in some sporting fields, but this is no time to step back. It is a time to reload with more suitable ammunition. If the best campaign badge we can come up with reads BOLLOCKS TO BLAIR then do we deserve public approval? Do campaigners bearing such a coarse message expect to be taken seriously? By insulting your leaders and offending public taste, what do you achieve? Why not focus on the thousands of ordinary working cla Rather than shouting threateningly about repealing the Hunting with Dogs Act why not quietly and steadfastly point out the benefits of vermin control and the need for the use of dogs as the most humane way of exercising such control. Be positive not negative. Whether we like it or not, we are ruled by a metropolitan elite and an elite not very well informed on country activities. Inform them! Second home owners and rural weekenders are often ignored just because 'they aren't really local'. But they can be allies, they have votes, and we need them! The general public don't want mink decimating our wildfowl population, rats thriving in our barns, rabbits destroying our crops or our spring lambs being savaged. Let them know, convince them, that dogs offer the best way to cope with pests!