Those words from 'The Spotted Dog' neatly sum up the inbred instinct of the breed of Dalmatian, once dubbed the Coach Dog, for running with horse-drawn vehicles. The coach dogs added style and protection to the carriages and their contents, but it was not always horses that did the pulling. To this day on the continent of Europe, dogs are still used to pull carts, as the Bernese Mountain Dog fanciers sometimes demonstrate at their shows in Britain. Just over a century ago, Professor Reul, one of the founders of the Belgian Club for Draught Dogs, wrote: "The dog in harness renders such precious services to the people, to small traders and to the small industrials (agriculturists included) in Belgium that never will any public authority dare to suppress its current use." Taplin, writing in The Sportsman's Cabinet of 1804 on Dutch dogs, stated that: "...there is not an idle dog of any size to be seen in the whole of the seven provinces. You see them in harness at all parts of The Hague, as well as in other towns, tugging at barrows and little carts, with their tongues nearly sweeping the ground, and their poor palpitating hearts almost beating through their sides; frequently three, four five, and sometimes six abreast, drawing men and merchandize with the speed of little horses." In Britain too, draught dogs were widely used, until, because of the huge increase of traffic in London, compounded by the widespread ill-treatment of the dogs, led to this practice being forbidden by law. Dogs were used instead of ponies to pull the carriages of some eccentric sportsmen in the 19th century. In Lawrence's The Sporting Repository of 1820 there is reference to a man who "exhibited a carriage drawn by six dogs. These were the largest and most powerful which we have ever witnessed." Another man boasted of the pulling feats of his 'Siberian Wolf-dog', which pulled a dog-cart unaided. In Shropshire, Squire Danville Poole used a pack of black and tan terriers to keep the local curs away from his horse-drawn carriage. I could imagine many of the working terriers I see at country shows relishing such a task. The Dalmatian preferred to run with other bigger carriages rather than pull carts. In 1940, Keeler and Trumble published a study on inherited tendencies in Dalmatians when used as coach dogs. They concluded that some dogs prefer to run close to the horses, under the coach, while others preferred to adopt a running position further back by the rear wheels. They considered that such preferences were inherited to some degree. I understand that when harlequin Great Danes were used as coach dogs their preference was to follow the coach or flank it, not run beneath, although size may have come into this decision. It is of interest too that Dalmatians retain their love of horses even when never employed as coach dogs. In his book on the Dalmatian, published in 1932, James Saunders records how one dog, in 1851, made the London to Brighton trip, 74 miles each way along the route taken by coaches, on eight successive days. This same dog once ran with a coach proceeding to Tunbridge Wells not Brighton as usual, and, when the coach remained overnight in Tunbridge Wells, made its own way to Brighton, returning to London with another coach. In his 'Dogs of Britain' of 1948, the late Clifford Hubbard wrote on the breed: "Not until about 1665 does any evidence appear of it being used in its now traditional role of coach-dog. By 1670 it was certainly used in France as an accessory to travel by coach, and was invaluable as a guard against highwaymen." The 'pulling power' of the Dalmatian lies more in the modern idiomatic sense of physical appeal than in the sheer strength of the draught dogs, but it did lead to their association with fire brigades in America. This was in the days of horse-drawn fire tenders; the Dalmatian moved in to live with the horses. In New York City, Captain Donovan was both a fire chief and a Dalmatian breeder. He provided a pup as a mascot for many fire-stations in the city. One of these was shown at Madison Square Garden in 1910, where there was a special class for the Dalmatians of the fire service. Interestingly, when the department became mechanized, the dogs showed little interest in following the motorized vehicles; it was the horses they instinctively followed. In the countries where draught-dogs were once utilised, the local authorities regulated their use. In Belgium it was not permitted to: harness dogs smaller than 24" at the shoulder, use old or sick dogs, bitches in whelp or still suckling, harness a dog with another animal, allow the dog to be controlled by someone under 14 years old, convey passengers or leave harnessed dogs in the sun in hot weather. The traces had to be at least a yard long and the collar and any harness in contact with the dog had to be padded. Any vehicle towed by dogs had to have springs and be fitted with brakes. A single dog could only pull 300lbs and two or more dogs 400lbs, including the vehicle's weight. Draught dogs were not only cheaper to employ than horses but were much more manoeuvrable. Importantly too, their drivers were not required to pay tolls. Despite this, the use of dog-carts was never widespread in Scotland, perhaps because of the long distances between towns. When the railways came, dog-drawn carts were used in the south of England to carry fish from the ports to the railheads. Some made the journey from Brighton to Portsmouth in one day, returning the following day. Humanitarians argued that dogs' paws were never designed to cope with hard sharp-stoned roads, whatever their widespread and indispensable use over snow in Arctic countries. In the debate, Lord Brougham spoke of a dog-cart driver who had ripped up an exhausted dog and given its entrails to two other dogs for food. The Earl of Eglington, opposing the bill, forecast the destruction of between 20,000 and 30,000 dogs. The Bishop of Oxford stated that ill-used dogs had been traced for distances of up to 20 miles by following blood trails on the highway. He claimed that it was not unusual for a dog to be driven 40 or 50 miles on a hard road until it could just not continue, when it would be destroyed and replaced by a fresh dog. The bill went through. Some of the breeds used abroad as draught dogs became recognised and are still with us. The Swiss breeds are probably the best known, with even the St Bernard finding employment in this way. The Newfoundland was utilised in its home country to pull fish-carts, while Dogue de Bordeaux crosses were employed as cart-dogs in the south of France. The Leonberger, the Rottweiler and even the German Shepherd Dog, have all been used too in this way. Perhaps the greatest pleasure enjoyed by dogs is that of being employed, being useful to their owners, being exercised with a mission. I am not advocating a return to dog-carts, there would be a risk of cruelty from some owners. But despite the brutality of the motorcar age, it would be a source of delight to see Dalmatians running with coaches once more, even on private roads or in parks. It would be satisfying too to see working tests for big dogs, designed to test their strength and application, but also to employ them, help them to feel useful, develop their spirit and counter the sheer boredom of most of the daily lives. Dogs desperately want to serve us!