Created by a demanding Victorian sportsman in what was then a remote part of Britain, the Sealyham Terrier gained an early reputation as an earth-dog and then between the two World Wars as a companion dog. The breed’s creator, John Tucker-Edwardes developed his breed in the golden age for terriers: the Rev John Russell with his hunt terriers, James Hinks with his Bull Terriers and Colonel Edward Malcolm with his West Highland Whites. Tucker-Edwardes wanted a dog that could accompany him when he hunted his Otterhounds. He is reputed to have tested his young terriers on a captive polecat before retaining them; this may have rehearsed them for the otter but wouldn’t have benefited their ferret-friendliness! He is alleged to have used corgi-blood in his breeding plans, which is unlikely. Why use a brown herding dog when hard-bitten working terriers abounded in that part of Wales at that time, some of them with the white jacket he favoured. His early specimens too were neither short-legged nor long-muzzled. For such a serious sportsman, performance mattered way ahead of appearance. In 1912, the Sealyham Terrier and Badger Digging Association was formed with the object of conserving the working instincts of the breed and to prevent it from becoming a purely ornamental show dog; it could not compete however with the power of the exhibitors. One of the best-known Sealyham breeders of the last century, Miss Frida Chenuz, has been quoted as saying that a Sealyham could really not be too low to the ground and that when judging one should look for type first and soundness second; for me that is a sure recipe for disaster in any breed, especially a sporting one. The Kennel Club’s standard for the breed demands an ideal weight for male Sealyhams of 20 lbs; for the Fox Terrier, 3 inches taller, it is only 18lbs. Yet in the early Sealyham shows there were classes for exhibits under 16 lbs. Some of Sir Jocelyn Lucas’s foundation stock weighed between 12 and 15 lbs but were top quality terriers when carrying out their declared function. The sadness of rating dogs entirely on their appearance can lead to a totally useless earth-dog bristling with ‘breed-type’ being valued more than a wholly efficient working terrier, in the same breed, that lacks breed points. Sporting terriers must always be rated for what they can do. In his book The Sporting Terrier of 1992, Brian Plummer wrote: 'Sadly, one of the breeds that has been most damaged by the whims of breeders seeking to produce animals solely for exhibition has been the Sealyham terrier.' The portrayals of this breed down the years indicate all too vividly the descent from spunky active lively earth-dog to chunky less active specimen quite unable to fulfill its foundling function. If the registrations are anything to go by, all the show breeders have achieved is the obliteration of their favourite breed. And the Kennel Club, the self-appointed guardian of breeds of dog, has watched this happen. Once function is not bred for then the writing is on the wall for sporting and working breeds. Finding the show Sealyham too big, too cloddy, over-furnished, with disappointing temperament and whelping difficulties, Lucas sought a smaller-headed, harsh-coated, coloured terrier which possessed both the physique and the character for hunting. He did not care for the excessive coat and box heads of the increasingly popular post second World War show Sealyham. His 'new breed' had handsome red jackets and a perky assertiveness which he admired. His first cross Sealyham-Norfolks were mainly coloured, ranging from red-tan to wheaten and even black and tan. But the second cross produced a proportion of mainly white or white-bodied progeny. We have both the Lucas Terrier and the Sporting Lucas Terrier breeds with us to this day. Lucas and his pack were often invited to the big estates of Hertfordshire to act as beaters on rabbit and cock pheasant shoots, using from ten to fifteen couple but hunted using the hunting horn and whip. These terriers were described as small, muscular, hardy, sharp as tacks with hard coats and punishing jaws. Much more recently, three enthusiasts: Morris Richardson, Jimmy Thompson and Colin Rivers, bred Sealyhams solely for work over three decades, making occasional use of Russell blood. Noel Culleton in Ireland has also worked their stock. Even more recently, Harry Parsons has striven to promote a working type, sensibly displaying them at the CLA Game Fair, which can only do good.
“The Sealyham terriers nowadays so much advertised, are too short-legged and broad-chested to properly negotiate rock crevices or surmount ledges underground…in many situations their build prevents them doing their best work. If we were asked to give a specification of such a terrier it would be as follows: Weight 15lb to 16lb; coat, thick and wet-resisting; chest narrow, but not so much so as to impede the free action of heart and lungs, legs sufficiently long to enable the dog to travel above ground…jaw powerful but not too long…”