But in these times what exactly is a lurcher? If you look around at a lurcher show, it is soon apparent that the event would be better labelled "any variety, sporting dog", for the height, weight, coat and colour is essentially anything but uniform. For a lurcher must be a cross-bred dog, fast enough to catch a hare, crafty enough not to get caught doing so, silent at all times and able to endure the cold and the wet. Old-timers would say it really must be a working sheepdog cross Greyhound to be a true lurcher, but Deerhound, Whippet, Saluki, Bedlington terrier and Staffordshire Bull Terrier blood have all been used down the years to instil gameness, a more protective coat, stronger feet or greater stamina. 'Stonehenge' referred to lurchers well over a hundred years ago with these words: "A poacher possessing such an animal seldom keeps him long, every keeper being on the look-out, and putting a charge into him on the first opportunity; and as these must occur of necessity, the poacher does not often attempt to rear the dog which would suit him best, but contents himself with one which will not so much attract the notice of those who watch him". Strictly speaking, on this evidence, a judge at a lurcher show should automatically disqualify any dog which would appear to a gamekeeper to be a coursing dog! That would thin out the class sizes in no small way! 'Stonehenge' has managed however to convey the essential ordinariness, the vital anonimity and the lack of type if a lurcher is to survive. Variety was not just the spice of life, it almost assured a life! I have heard Kennel Club show judges scoff at the whole business of even attempting to judge such wide variations at a show but then they aspire to judge best in show at Crufts, which could see a Chihuahua alongside a Great Dane. The ideal lurcher judge is a man who has hunted with one himself, a man who visualises the dog before him in the ring in the chase. But I believe that it is possible to judge lurchers more precisely than the all-too-usual highly subjective judgement by eye, without ever spoiling the fun and country atmosphere of these shows. I suspect that some lurchers succeed in the ring in spite of their anatomy; that's not good for breeding plans. But whatever their size it is possible to judge these admirable dogs more effectively. If we are going to judge them, let's do it properly. A hound which hunts using its speed must have the anatomy to do so. Immense keenness for work will always come first but the physique to exploit that mental asset comes close second. A lurcher must have a long strong muzzle with powerful jaws and a level bite. How else can it catch and retrieve its quarry? The nose should be good-sized with well-opened nostrils, for, despite some old-fashioned theories, sighthounds hunt using scent as well as sight. A lurcher must have well laid back sloping shoulders; I always apply the 'two fingers width' test to the space between the shoulder blades of a stooping dog. Many show Greyhounds have to spread their feet to drink from a bowl of water on the ground because of excessive narrowness in the set of their shoulder blades. The lurcher's back should hint at suppleness and power, be slightly arched in the lumbar region, yet have a mainly level topline. The loins should be noticeably strong, so that the power from the hindquarters can be harnessed fully. The hindquarters must be powerfully constructed if they are to propel the dog forward in the chase, but symmetry and balance fore and aft are the key to turning ability. Every sighthound depends upfront on good long arms and forearms, and, in the hindlegs wide and muscular thighs and second thighs, length of stifle and good angulation. The feet must be really compact with well-knuckled toes and short claws, naturally worn from working or sound exercise. Some Greyhound experts have been known to assess a dog by looking at the tail first, noting any sign of coarseness, desiring the tail of a rat in appearance, long and whiplike with little hair. But the best physique is squandered without keenness in the chase and immense determination, an alert eager expression in the eye indicates this and is essential. A judge has to ask himself: will this dog hunt? Can this dog hunt with this anatomy? Better judging, based on a more measured assessment, should lead to the production of better dogs. Fieldsports folk have too much sense to allow such a concept to degenerate into a judgement based purely on cosmetic appeal, mere handsomeness and not ability to function in its designed role. Lurcher shows are a bit of fun; the only real test for such a dog is in the chase. But that 'bit of fun' can raise standards too if the judges' criteria are sound. Who wants to win with an unworthy dog? It is easy, at a lurcher show, to see the components of the blend of breeds manifesting themselves. The Ridgeback cross is soon revealed by the fiddle down the spine; the Deerhound blood by the shaggy coat; the Bull Terrier infusion by the more muscular build. Lord Orford once crossed his Greyhounds with Bulldogs to instil more gameness; that is unlikely to be repeated with today's Bulldog! But, as the esteemed Stonehenge once wrote (in 1867), the Bulldog blood is soon dissipated: 'It might naturally be supposed by any person who has not been convinced to the contrary, that it would take several crosses to get rid of the heavy form of the bulldog when united with the light and graceful shape of the greyhound. But on actually trying the experiment it will readily be seen that in the third generation very little trace remains of the bulldog, while in the fourth there is none whatever apparent in external form.' He illustrated his words with engravings of the progeny in each generation of such a cross. Even 'Hecate' with a quarter Bulldog in her blood, looks wholly sighthound. Ian Cuthbertson's champion Bull/Greyhound lurcher, Barney, winner at the Cotswold Hunt Show of 2004, demonstrates how a harmonious blend can be achieved. Lurchermen argue long into the night over the best blend to achieve superlative hunting dogs, even debating the merits of coursing Greyhound blood against that of racing Greyhounds. One much respected breeder, Bill Doherty, makes full use of Deerhound blood and has high quality Deerhounds himself. We have come a long way from the days when, in order to survive, the lowly lurcher had to be quite unlike a coursing dog. The artist Philip Reinagle portrayed a lurcher nearly two centuries ago. He captured the workmanlike but quite nondescript appearance these dogs will always display, entirely functional - and better for it! Every dog-breeder who over-respects the pedigree, the piece of paper that is, would learn a lot from lurchers!