If you asked the average British sportsman if he knew of the Stabyhoun, the Drentse Patrijshond, the Kooikerhondje and the Wetterhoun, you would probably get a blank stare. Their other names give clues as to their origins: Frisian Pointing Dog, Partridge Dog from Drenthe Province, Dutch Decoy Dog and Frisian Water Dog respectively. They are unspoiled breeds, unfashionable but unexaggerated - favoured mainly by true devotees of each breed, rather than fickle sportsmen or show fanciers, ever ready to move on to the next 'breed of the day'. Bred for robustness and performance, not show points or flashy coats, they are not breeds for show-offs or followers of the latest trend. Even when living on the Dutch/German border, I found it hard to get news of them. But a Dutch Decoy Dog has been working at the Boarstall Wild Duck Decoy at Brill near Aylesbury, under Jim Worgan. The Frisian Pointing Dog is a little smaller, at around 53 cms high (a shade bigger than our springer) and in appearance resembles a long-haired parti-coloured small setter. Also known as the Stabyhoun, they were often interbred with the Frisian Water Dog and used as mole-hunters and polecat eradicators. Some fanciers promoted the black-headed versions, as did some Munsterlander breeders, but the Water Dog influence, seen in the curly tail, is discouraged. A wavy coat is accepted but a curly one found objectionable by the current breed club. The depiction of these dogs in old Dutch paintings leads to their being identified by 'art experts' here as English Setters or Springers, much to the fury of patriotic more knowledgeable Dutch authorities. This is an attractive fussless breed, unspoiled by modern trends, such as exaggerated coats and over-angulated hindlegs. The Kooikerhondje or Dutch Decoy Dog is being used and shown here, and, with the Canadian breed, the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, represents the only surviving decoy breeds in the world. We could so easily have retained our own Red Decoy Dog but were more intent on favouring overseas breeds, and, to be fair, improving them so that they became world-famous. Dutch sportsmen do of course use the superlative gundog breeds we have developed but have had the wit and national interest to preserve their own at the same time. Perhaps now we can promote our own native breeds of gundog, like the Curly-coated Retriever, the Field Spaniel and the Sussex. They are part of our sporting heritage and thoroughly merit our support. The Dutch have certainly shown us the way; as gene pools reveal more and more innate deficiencies, trapped as they are in the pursuit of breed purity, the blood of these Dutch gundog breeds may well have value in strengthening our stock too.